UNU-FTP Welcomes Fellows 2013/14

22 October 2013
UNU-FTP fellows 2013/14
UNU-FTP fellows 2013/14

The United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme welcomes the 16th cohort of fellows to Iceland for the six month training programme.

This year, the UNU-FTP is pleased to host 22 fellows for the six month training from fourteen countries. These include; China, Vietnam (2), Bangladesh (2), Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Kenya (3), Tanzania (2), South Africa (2), Cameroon, Nigeria (2), The Gambia, Namibia (2), Cuba, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. These fellows will participate in one of four lines of specialization, which this year include, Quality Management, Fisheries Policy and Planning, Fishing Technology, and Sustainable Aquaculture.

We wish the fellows a fruitful six months, and look forward to all we will learn from one another!