UNU-FTP to support former fellows in World Seafood Congress 2015

9 December 2014
Quality inspection in Tanzania with FTP fellows
Quality inspection in Tanzania with FTP fellows

The UNU-FTP is making funds available for a limited number of grants for former fellows to participate in the World Seafood Congress 2015 to be held in Grimsby in the United Kingdom on September 05-09, 2015. The event is organised by the International Association of Fish Inspectors (IAFI) so those who of you who are professionally active in that area are particularly encouraged to apply.

To be eligible for this grant, applicants must be a former fellow of the UNU-FTP, and must be accepted to present a paper or poster at the congress by the organisers.

More information about the World Seafood Congress can be found on the conference website here: http://www.wsc2015.com/