UNU-FTP to hold course in the Caribbean on Project Cycle Management

16 March 2012
Collaborators from UNU-FTP, CRFM, Univeristy of Belize, and the University of Akureyri
Collaborators from UNU-FTP, CRFM, Univeristy of Belize, and the University of Akureyri

This week, collaborators from the UNU-FTP, The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, and the University of Belize, and the University of Akureyri met in Iceland to plan a short course on Project Cycle Management to be held in the Caribbean. This is one of four short courses the UNU-FTP plans to hold in our partner countries in 2012. The Project Cycle Management short course will be held in St. Lucia in early June. Participants will be senior level fisheries officers from all of the 17 Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) member countries. The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity for participants to practice the tools and strategies of the Project Cycle Management system to improve access to funds from donor agencies for their projects. The course content will be adapted from a short course that the UNU-FTP held in 2007 in Sri Lanka.