UNU-FTP holds workshop with the CRFM and UNU-INWEH

17 February 2014
UNU-FTP holds workshop with the CRFM and UNU-INWEH

Last week, the UNU-FTP hosted a workshop with representatives from the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, (CRFM) and UNU Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

This workshop focused on steps toward the development of a long term strategy for data collection, analysis, and management for CRFM member states and is part of an ongoing collaboration between the UNU-FTP and the CRFM.

Pictured (from left) are: Jonas Hallgrímsson (UNU-FTP), Susan Singh-Renton (CRFM), Hanneke van Lavieren (UNU-INWEH), Thor Asgeirsson (UNU-FTP), Einar Hjorleifsson (UNU-FTP)

Read more about the workshop on the CRFM's website here: http://www.crfm.net/index.php/news/press-release/item/282-regional-experts-meet-to-strategize-on-improving-fisheries-statistics-data-and-information.html