UNU-FTP fellows 2012

13 September 2012
Fellows 2012 in the new MRI audotorium
Fellows 2012 in the new MRI audotorium

Fellows arrived on Saturday and Sunday (September 8 and 9) and have been getting used to the Icelandic weather and culture for the past three days. This year the fellows come from Kenya (3), Tanzania (3), South Africa (2), Liberia, Mozambique (2), Cameroon, Ghana (2), Indonesia (2), Vietnam, China, Haiti, St. Vincent and Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda. The fellows will specialize in one of four areas: Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing, Fish Stock Assessment, Fisheries Policy and Planning, and Management of Fishing Companies and Marketing. UNU-FTP strives to have a gender balance in the group and this year there are eight women and 13 men in the group.