UNU-FTP Director Attends Celebratory Conference at Dalian Ocean University

26 September 2012
UNU-FTP Director Attends Celebratory Conference at Dalian Ocean University

Last week, Dr. Tumi Tomasson, Director of the United Nations University Training Programme paid a visit to Dalian Ocean University for a celebration of the University's 60th anniversary and the World Conference on the Oceans.

The Dalian Ocean University has a longstanding history of cooperation with the UNU-FTP, which has trained several fellows who work with the University. At the conference, Dr. Tomasson had the opportunity to visit several former UNU-FTP fellows from China who have continued to excel in the field of fisheries since completing the six-month training programme in Iceland.

Pictured from left to right: Junrong Liu (FTP fellow 2002), Zhang Gou-Chen (FTP fellow 2004), Yao Jie (President of Dalian Ocean University), Dr. Tumi Tomasson (UNU-FTP Director), Dr. Allyson Macdonald (University of Iceland School of Education), Xiuchen Li (FTP 2000), Qanchen Zhao (FTP fellow 2008).