UNU-FTP Deputy Director visits the United Nations

15 April 2013
UNU-FTP Deputy Director visits the United Nations

This week, UNU-FTP Deputy Director Thor Asgeirsson will attend an "Expert Group Meeting on Oceans, Seas and Sustainable Development: Implementation and follow-up to Rio+20" at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. At this meeting, Thor will deliver a paper and give a speech on topics related to capacity-building in fisheries.

In the paper, Thor outlines the work done by the United Nations Fisheries Training Programme, and the philosophy behind the work we do as it relates to capacity-building and sustainable development.

Thor's talk will address the implementation of Rio+20, and he will discuss the importance of capacity-building in developing countries. Additionally, he will discuss existing initiatives and best practices in the context of the UNU-FTP by giving concrete examples of the work we do.