UNU-FTP Deputy Director Joins Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism

28 August 2013
UNU-FTP Deputy Director Joins Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism

The UNU-FTP Deputy Director, Thor Asgerisson, has joined the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) headquartered in Belize for a sabbatical period from July-December 2013.

The UNU-FTP and the CRFM have had a formal working relationship since 2006 through MoU. Thirteen  fisheries officers, including 9 women, from 9 CRFM Member States have been trained in the 6 month fisheries training programme in Iceland since 2007. Three more will join the UNU-FTP in September 2013. In addition, the CRFM and the UNU-FTP in collaboration with local universities (University of the West Indies and University of Belize) have developed and delivered five regional short courses in various areas of fisheries for fisheries department staff since 2009. 

Mr. Asgeirsson's main tasks and objectives during his stint at the CRFM will be to assist in conducting a training need assessment in the fisheries administrations in the CRFM Member States, and to develop future cooperative projects between the United Nations University System and the CRFM to further support the development and management of aquaculture and fisheries in the Caribbean.

We at the UNU-FTP wish Thor an excellent and productive stay in Belize.