UNU-FTP Adopts New Strategic Plan

15 March 2013
UNU-FTP Staff and Board of Directors
UNU-FTP Staff and Board of Directors

The UNU-FTP has adopted a new strategic plan that will guide it's operations from 2013-2017. This strategic plan was developed by the Board of Directors and UNU-FTP staff.

This 3rd revision of the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme (UNU-FTP) strategic plan is a part of the programme’s on going self-evaluation and is also a reaction to the changing environment in the world’s fisheries, development cooperation and in our partner countries. The strategic plan of the UNU-FTP was developed by the Board of Directors, and finalized in March 2013.

The Strategic Plan 2013-2017 briefly outlines the history and development of the UNU-FTP, and highlights the organization's mission and values. Additionally, it emphasizes three areas of strategic importance to the organization, namely: maximizing impact, enriching relationships, and enhancing quality. For each of these strategic goals, specific focus areas and measures are then detailed, as well as an overall evaluation and monitoring plan.

Click here to see the UNU-FTP Strategic Plan 2013-2017.