Tour of demersal fisheries
In a recent two day East Fjord field trip the first day was set up as a tour of demersal fisheries.
The trip was organised by University of Akureyri for fellows on GRÓ-FTP’s Fisheries Policy and Management line of specialisation.
After a morning lecture on the value chain of cod, haddock and saithe at Múlinn in Neskaupstaður the fellows headed to Fáskrúðsfjörður.
There they were invited for lunch at Café Sumarlína by Loðnuvinnslan before being taken on a tour through the company’s groundfish processing plant.
The group was able to see in full action a newly installed high-tech processing line which automatically cuts fillets in the right portions, grades it and packs into boxes ready for export.
Afterwards the offices of Loðnuvinnslan were visited and its management team gave an overview of the history and operations of the company.
On the way back to Neskaupstaður the Maritime Museum in Eskifjörður was visited.
The day ended with a heartily chat with staff of Síldarvinnslan who invited everyone for dinner at Hotel Hildibrand.
Below are some photos from the day’s visits.