Successful leadership course in Belize

21 May 2010
Chief fisheries officers with some of the organizers and teachers
Chief fisheries officers with some of the organizers and teachers
A five days course on Leadership in fisheries was held in Belize for Chief Fisheries Officers in the Caribbean in April 25-30, 2010.

This project is part of an agreement between Caribbean Regional Mechanism and UNU-FTP in strengthening institutional capacity in fisheries in the Caribbean. A total of 19 participants from 15 countries took part in this five days workshop and three of the participants came from the CRFM Secretariat in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The course was developed by experts from University of Akureyri, University of Belize, and University of West Indies with contribution from staff of CRFM and UNU-FTP. The course development is funded by the IGI Fund of the Government of Iceland.

Teachers and organizers