News Fellows Fellows (2019-20) SAFT

Stock assessment session

14 February 2020
Stock assessment session

Stock assessment is the main theme in a FTP presentation session set for Monday afternoon February 17th at the MFRI auditorium Skúlagata 4 Reykjavík.

Graduating fellows will introduce the final projects which they have been working on over the last three months under the supervision of specialists from our Icelandic partner institutes.

The presentations are open to all -- it's a great opportunity to learn about some of the challenges fisheries and aquaculture are facing in different countries throughout the world.

Details are as follows:


Fellow /supervisor (s)



Owen Mbokigwe Kibona (Tanzania)

   /Jónas Páll Jónasson and Pamela Woods

Data validation and quality assurance of the fisheries data collection for marine water fisheries in mainland, Tanzania


Anthony Ansu Yokie (Liberia)

   /Warsha Singh

An assessment of the Sardinella maderensis stock of Liberia coastal waters using the Length Based Spawning Potential Ratio (LBSPR)


Kamarel Ba (Senegal)

   /Pamela J. Woods

Assessing the Northwest African stock of black hakes (Merluccius polli and Merluccius senegalensis) using Catch-MSY method and Length-Based Spawning Potential Ratio model





Huixia Chen (China)

   /Guðjón Sigurðsson and Pamela Woods

Stock assessment of lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) in Icelandic waters using a gadget model


Sahr Patrick Sandi (Sierra Leone)

   /Einar Hjörleifsson and Julian Burgos

Estimation of the total catch and effort of the industrial fishery in Sierra Leone, 2008-2019