Short course development workshop on quality assurance for fish inspectors in Uganda.

16 May 2011
Mr. Alfred Akankwasa (DFR), Franklin Georgsson (MATIS), Ms. Sigridur Ingvarsdottir (UNU-FTP),  Mr. J…
Mr. Alfred Akankwasa (DFR), Franklin Georgsson (MATIS), Ms. Sigridur Ingvarsdottir (UNU-FTP), Mr. James Sekatawa (ICEIDA), Mr. Margeir Gissurarson (MATIS), Ms. Lillian Chebet (FTI) and Ms. Margaret Masette (FOSRI/NARO/MAK)
This course is a part of the UNU-FTP short course development project where UNU-FTP works with fisheries experts in its partner countries in identifying issues of great importance in the fisheries, and consequently develop a training course on that particular issue. This time UNU-FTP teams up with ICEIDA who has a long standing relationship with Uganda in development assistance. Also on the development team are experts from MATIS – Food Research Institute and former UNU- fellows from Uganda that represent various fisheries institutes in Uganda.

The first workshop was in Uganda from March 12-20 this year where the fishing industry was visited and meetings were held with the fisheries authorities to assess the training needs and outline the course content. The continued workshop in Iceland was to finalize the course structure and content and to prepare for the delivery of the course. The course will be held in the Fisheries Training Institute in Entebbe in Uganda August 8 - 19 2011. The Ugandan counterparts are Mr. Alfred Akankwasa from Department of Fisheries (UNU fellows 1998), Ms. Margaret Masette from Food Science and Research Institute and Makerere University (UNU fellow 1999), Ms. Lillian Chebet from Fisheries Training Institute (UNU fellow 2007), and Mr. James Sekatawa project manager at ICEIDA.