Second workshop on Performance Management and Leadership in AFAs in Malaysia finished

13 July 2011
The course development group and a few of LKIM divisions directors
The course development group and a few of LKIM divisions directors
The second workshop on the development of a short course for managers and chairmen of Area Fisherman Association was held at Malaysian Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM) in Kuala Lumpur July 4-8. Experts from UNU-FTP and University of Akureyri teamed up with experts from LKIM to analyze the strength and weaknesses of the AFAs which have the role of supporting small scale fisheries in Malaysia. A five day course on Performance Management and Leadership was designed and it is anticipated that the course will be run with a bout 30 participants in October. The course material will be translated into Malay for the convenience of the participants. Most of the lectures will be delivered by Malaysian fisheries experts and many of them are former UNU fellows. Ample examples will be taken from the Malaysian fisheries to bring the right flavor to the course material. The experts from Iceland attending the second workshop were: Dr. Ögmundur Knútsson and Mr. Helgi Gestsson from University of Akureyri and Mr. Thor Asgeirsson the depury director of the UNU-FTP.