Ray Hilborn: Status of Fish Stocks

27 October 2017
Ray Hilborn: Status of Fish Stocks

Íslensk þýðing neðst.

Recording of UNU-FTP 2017 guest lecture, by Ray Hilborn, Status of Fish Stocks, is now ready online.

The lecture reviewed what is known about the status of fish stocks around the world and documented the rebuilding of fish stocks across most of the N. Atlantic.

It discussed how we understand the status of stocks, ranging from scientifically assessed stocks over most of the developed world to the more limited data available from most of Africa and S. and S.E. Asia.


Upptaka af erindi gestafyrirlesara okkar 2017, Ray Hilborn, Staða fiskistofna í heiminum, er nú aðgengileg á netinu.

Fyrirlesturinn fjallar um ástand fiskistofna Jarðar og þær ólíku aðferðir sem notaðar eru til að meta það í mismunandi heimshlutum.