Progress with VMS in W-Africa
One activity that UNU-FTP is managing as part of Iceland’s contribution to West Africa fisheries development cooperation is the VMS data analyses project.
Throughout costal Africa so called vessel monitoring systems (VMS) are already operational, complemented by automated identification systems (AIS) at one level or another.
Currently countries like Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone have been trying to harness these new techniques to combat Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and strengthen overall Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) capabilities.
In light of this it was decided UNU-FTP could contribute by providing training for specialists in these three countries in the analyses of VMS-data.
The bulk of this project was carried out in 2018, when two sets of workshops were conducted: A reginal one in Freetown in May (with 13 sponsored participants from Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone); and in-country workshops at VMS-centers in Liberia and Sierra Leone half a year later.
At the same time one fellow from Liberia and one from Sierra Leone graduated from the Six Months Training Program in Iceland, specializing in VMS data analyses.
One more from each country will arrive in September 2019.
Objectives of the projectThe VMS project aims to train specialists from MSC-centres in Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone to harness new and developing vessel tracking technology in their work. Synergies with the UNU-FTP Six Month Training Programme will be maximised by inviting fellows from the region to join the programme in Iceland. Expected outcomes include …