Prof. Bjorndal meets with UNU-FTP fellows

26 January 2011
Professor Bjorndal with the UNU fellows and the UNU-FTP director Dr. Tumi Tomasson
Professor Bjorndal with the UNU fellows and the UNU-FTP director Dr. Tumi Tomasson
The visiting lecturer, Prof Trond Bjorndal from the University of Portsmouth, has since Monday January 24 been lecturing and meeting with UNU fellows. Professor Bjordal gave a series of lectures on economic rents in fisheries, management of transboundary marine resources, and then he finished with lectures on economic theories on optimal harvesting in aquaculture. The lectures were mainly intended for the UNU fellows but the topics seem to have caught the eye of other fisheries professionals, from various institutes, who attended some of the lectures. Many of the UNU fellows met with Professor Bjorndal to discuss their final projects and to get advice on their approaches to problems relevant to the fisheries in their home countries. It is of great value to the UNU-FTP to get internationally recognized fisheries experts to the programme. Not only do the fellows experience their work but they also have the opportunity to form personal ties to those people. In terms of the development of the UNU-FTP these guests also contribute greatly.

The lectures of Professor Bjorndal and associated readings will be available shortly on the UNU-FTP website.

Prof Bjorndal during a lecture at the UNU-FTP
Prof Bjorndal lecturing at the UNU-FTP in January 2011 (Photo: B. Eiriksson)