Former UNU-FTP fellow completes MSc studies at the University of Akureyri

7 June 2012
Former UNU-FTP fellow completes MSc studies at the University of Akureyri

Mr. Mufty defended his thesis project at the University of Akureyri on June 5, 2012. His thesis project was titled 'Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment of Listeria monocytogenes in Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis)' and his supervisor was Dr. Hjorleifur Einarsson. Murad Mufty was a UNU-FTP fellow in 2008 in the Quality Management line of specialization. His MSc studies at the University of Akureyri was supported through a scholarship by the UNU-FTP. Mr. Mufty now has a MSc degree in Fisheries Science through the Department of Natural Resource Science at the University of Akureyri. We wish him the best of luck and congratulate him on his achievements.