Field trip to the East Fjords

14 October 2010
Fellows 2010 visiting Eskifjord
Fellows 2010 visiting Eskifjord
Monday 4th of October the fellows visited the East Iceland to learn about pelagic fisheries, pelagic fish processing and fish meal production.

Two companies were visited; Síldarvinnslan Ltd. (in the town of Neskaupstadur) which is one of Iceland’s largest fisheries operators with over four decades of experience in fisheries and fish processing. This company has one of the largest and the most productive fleet and processing plant of pelagic species, processing for both human consumption and fish meal and oil. The company operates from 13 locations around Iceland as well as in USA and Greenland.  Mr. Gunnþór Ingvarsson, the managing director of the company gave us an overview of the operation and then Jón Már Jónsson and Sindri Sigurðsson showed us the fishmeal and the oil factory, human consumption processing and the landing side.  In Eskifjordur we visited the Maritime Museum, the dry fish production company Sporður Ltd which produces high quality dried products, or snack, made of haddock and catfish. Then we ended our field trip by visiting the Rundulffs’ fishermen house in Eskifjordur, old facilities for fishermen,  and after nice refreshment there we took the plane in the evening back to Reykjavik.