Zita Sebesvari
2015Short Bio
Dr. Sebesvari is an environmental scientist of Hungarian origin. She is Associate Academic Officer in the Environmental Vulnerability and Ecosystem Services (EVES) Section of United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).
Dr. Sebesvari's research is concerned with social-ecological vulnerability, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction, and sustainable agricultural production, mainly in the regional context of South-east Asia. Currently she implements UNU-EHS activities for the Belmont Forum and DFG funded DELTAS project, aiming to develop a global delta vulnerability index (GDVI) with case studies in Vietnam, Bangladesh and Brazil, and the German-Vietnamese DeltAdapt project aiming to find sustainable solutions for agricultural adaptation to salinity intrusion in delta systems. She is involved in teaching activities within the UNU-University Bonn joint MSc on "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security" and teaches in the UNU-EHS summer courses.
- PhD, Environmental Sciences, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany