Guest Lecturer
Patrick L. Shaver

Short Bio
Dr Shaver has over 40 years of experience as a rangeland management specialist for USDA-Soil Conservation Service/Natural Resources Conservation Service. He has extensive experience in working with private landowners, and state and federal agencies in rangeland management planning, inventory and monitoring, grazing management and ecological site concept development, e.g. in USA, Argentina, Kenya, Mongolia and Russia. Dr Shaver is one of the authors of the 4th version of "Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health" which is widely applied by agencies to provide early warning of potential degradation, opportunities for recovery and to help design monitoring programs. He is a former President of the Society for Range Management and is currently an instructor in the Animal and Rangeland Science Department of Oregon State University and owner of Rangeland Management Service LLC, consulting.Education
- PhD, Rangeland Ecology and Management, Oregon State University
- BSc, Range Science, New Mexico State University