Julia Kloos
2015Short Bio
Julia is an Agricultural Economist, specialized in environmental and resource economics and in development economics. She has worked on water economics, integrated water resources management and on the economics of land degradation. Since she joined UNU-EHS in July 2011, she contributed to the project CLICO ("Climate Change, Hydro-Conflict and Human Security"), where she conducted research on climate change, adaptation and resettlement issues.
Since October 2012, Julia Kloos has led the work package on risk assessment and analysis of the WASCAL-project (West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use) and investigated the impacts of multiple hazards in West Africa, supports risk, vulnerability and adaptation assessments.
Furthermore, she is involved in teaching activities and contributes to the WASCAL Master's programme "Climate change and Human Security" at the University of Lomé in Togo, the joint Master's programme on "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security" of the University of Bonn and UNU-EHS and the UNU-EHS summer courses.
- PhD, Agricultural Sciences, University of Bonn, Institute for Food and Resource Economics, 2011