Gudrun Nina Petersen
Short Bio
Gudrun Nina Petersen is an atmospheric research scientist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office. She also teaches meteorology at the University of Iceland and the Agricultural University of Iceland. She holds a Cand. Mag. in geophysics (1997), a Cand. Sci. (1999) and Ph.D. (2004) in meteorology from the University of Oslo, Norway. She then worked as a research fellow at the Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, UK (2004-2006) and as a post doc. at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK (2006-2008). She's been involved in national and international projects, e.g. the Greenland flow distortion experiment, Icewind and Ísindar. She represents Iceland in the Atmospheric Working Group of the International Arctic Science Committee and chairs the Icelandic Meteorological Society and the Award committee of the European Meteorological Committee.
Arctic meteorology, orographic flow, extreme weather, boundary meteorology, weather forecasting
- PhD, Meteorology , University of Oslo
- Cand. Sci., Meteorology, University of Oslo
- Cand. Mag., Geophysics , University of Oslo