Alejandro Salazar

Agricultural University of Iceland
Short Bio
Alejandro Salazar is an Assistant Professor at the Agricultural University of Iceland since 2021, where he teaches Subarctic Soil Biology and Lateral Transports and coordinates the Nordic Master program in Environmental Changes at Higher Latitudes (EnCHiL). Most of Alejandro’s research is focused on understanding how global change affects soil/biocrust processes, with emphasis in microbially-driven CO2 and CH4 fluxes, and N fixation. His most recent research is focused on the use of biocrust for ecosystem restoration in Iceland. In addition to his specialized research, Alejandro has participated in a number of multidisciplinary collaborations, including by leading the organization of the first International Conference on Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions in 2016.Education
- PhD, Biological Sciences, Purdue University, USA
- MSc, Biotechnology, National University of Colombia
- BEng, Biological Engineering, National University of Colombia
Agricultural University of Iceland
Isaac Olupot