UNU-LRT workshop in Uganda

2 July 2015
UNU-LRT workshop in Uganda

UNU-LRT held a successful workshop in Kampala, Uganda on 30 June and 1 July. The workshop was organized in collaboration with Ugandan partners of UNU-LRT, hence Makerere University, National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and District Local Governments. The objective with the workshop was to explore how Ugandan partners could see UNU-LRT expand its activities within Uganda in coming years. The workshops was attended by former Ugandan UNU-LRT fellows and facilitated by Dr Jon Geir Petursson, UNU-LRT studies committee member.

There was a general consensus that UNU-LRT, in the form of recruiting fellows from the Makerere University and the District Local Administrations, has been effective and that the training had proven to be very useful for the fellows when returning back to their positions. This already has generated a group of former fellows in Uganda at strategic positions, both in academia as well as out in the rural Districts where sustainable land management and restoration measures are supposed to be delivered in practice. There was further a great interest to seek ways to domesticate the UNU-LRT work in Uganda in the coming years.

The more detailed outcomes of the workshop will be used to guide next steps in UNU-LRT endeavor to strengthen its activities within partnering countries, both in the field of capacity building, training and research collaboration.