New book on the story of land reclamation in Iceland

15 November 2011
Photo: Jón Ragnar Björnsson
Photo: Jón Ragnar Björnsson
A new book HEALING THE LAND: The story of land reclamation and soil conservation in Iceland written by Professor Roger Crofts was published last week by the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland (SCSI).  It describes the fascinating story of land restoration and soil stabilization in Iceland over the last one hundred years.  The publication of the book was celebrated last Friday in a meeting on the international importance of land reclamation and soil conservation activities.  There the author introduced his work and emphasised on the importance of spreading the successful story of reclamation and soil conservation work in Iceland to the global audience.

Mr. Sveinn Runólfsson the Director of the SCSI, Dr. Hafdís Hanna Aegisdóttir the Director of UNU-LRT, Mr. Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson the Executive Manager of Landvernd, and Dr. Andrés Arnalds the Assistant Director of SCSI also addressed the meeting and described the importance of the book for their work and future operations.  The book is substantially modified and extended, with international readers in mind, from an original text written by Friðrik G. Olgeirsson that was published in Icelandic in 2007, on the 100 years anniversary of the SCSI.