Visit from the Ambassador of Sri Lanka

1 March 2012
Visit from the Ambassador of Sri Lanka
The Ambassador of Sri Lanka, Mr. Oshadhi Alahapperuma, visited the UNU-GTP on Tuesday the 28th of February.  He was escorted by Mr. S.B. Wijekoon, Minister Councellor and a representative for the Sri Lankan consul in Iceland, Sveinbjörg Pálsdóttir.  The purpose of the Ambassador‘s visit was to learn about the UNU-GTP and its operation, in Sri Lanka and all over the world. 
The UNU-GTP director, Dr. Ingvar B. Friðleifsson gave an introductory lecture about the GTP, from its establishment in 1979 until the present date.  The Ambassador was very keen on learning, if and how, Sri Lanka could further its geothermal use and what the potential was of exploiting its geothermal resources.

The ambassador also informed the staff at GTP about Sri Lanka both about its culture and also politics.