UNU Visiting Lecturer 2016 - Jim Koenig from USA

30 August 2016
UNU Visiting Lecturer 2016 - Jim Koenig from USA

The UNU Visiting Lecturer in 2016 is the American geologist and geothermal specialist Mr. Jim Koenig.

Jim holds advanced degrees in geology and meteorology and has worked in the geothermal industry for more than 45 years.  His geothermal work started as a geothermal specialist for the State of California, which he served for nearly a decade.  In 1973, Jim left the State‘s service to establish the geothermal consultancy firm GeothermEx, Inc.  He served as its chairman and chief scientist until retirement in 1995.  During that period, Jim led exploration projects that resulted a.o. in the discovery of the Miravalles, Costa Rica; Dixie Valley, Nevada; and Batong Buhay, Philippines geothermal fields, which together produce over 200 MW of electricity. He has also worked at various times in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Indonesia, El Salvador, Honduras, Japan, Kenya, Turkey and Vietnam, for the UN, the World Bank and a large number of private developers and financiers. One of his favorite projects was the geothermal field at Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea for the Lihir gold mine.

After retirement, Jim served as a volunteer for the International Geothermal  Association, concluding this as General Manager of the 2005 World Geothermal Congress in Antalya, Turkey.  He continues to work as a part-time consultant, most recently to projects in Kenya, Slovakia, Turkey and the United States.  Jim and his wife Deborah live near San Francisco, California. They have 5 children and 6 grandchildren.

Jim Koenig gives lectures on geothermal energy in Vídgelmir in Orkugardur, Grensásvegur 9, on October 5-9, starting at 9:00 in the morning, according to the following agenda, with each lecture expected to be about one hour plus discussion: 

Monday, September 5 - 9:00-10:15
A Timeline for Developing Geothermal Energy

Tuesday September 6 - 9:00-10:15     
Reducing Non-Resource Risk in a Geothermal Project

Wednesday September 7 - 9:00-10:15
Satisfying Financial Requirements in Geothermal Projects

Thursday September 8 - 9:00-10:15
The Important Role of Water in Geothermal Projects

Friday September 9 - 9:00-10:15
Geothermal Resources of the Basin-and-Range Geologic Province, USA

Friday September 9 - 10:25-11:30
Salton Sea, California , case history, 1927-2016

The lectures are open for everyone and free of charge