UNU-GTP PhD Fellow presented the 2nd best poster at a conference in Czeck Rep.

25 September 2014
Thecla recieving her award
Thecla recieving her award

Thecla Mutia, a PhD Fellow at the University of Iceland and a UNU-GTP Fellow in 2010, presented a poster on her thesis at the Polar Ecology Conference which is organised by the Centre for Polar Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia.  The conference was held in the Czech Republic from September 21st to September 25th 2014.  

Her poster got awarded the second place, out of 55 posters, that were presented at the conference.  Congratulations to Thecla on her award.

For further information about the conference check: http://polar.prf.jcu.cz/conference.htm