UNU-GTP PhD defence and MSc Seminar

8 February 2013
Pacifica F. Achieng Ogola
Pacifica F. Achieng Ogola

On Friday 15. February 2013, at 14:00-16:00 in the main building of University of Iceland, Pacifica f. Achieng Ogola will defend her doctoral thesis:The power to change: creating lifeline and mitigation-adaptation opportunities through geothermal energy utilization. 

The external examiners are Michael Evan Goodsite professor at Aarhus University in Denmark and dr. Halldór Ármannson at ISOR.

Her supervisors are dr. Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences of UI and dr. Ingvar Birgir Friðleifsson director of UNU-GTP. With them in the doctoral committee are dr. Sigurður Snorrason at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences of UI.

The chair will be Dr. Eva Benediktsdóttir Senior Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences of UI.

Pacifica was born in Kisumu, Kenya and studied BSc in Geography and MSc in Environmental Science from Kenyatta University in Nairobi.  She was a UNU-GTP Fellow in 2004 and then returned in 2009, when she received a PhD Fellowship from UNU-GTP, to begin work on her PhD in Environmental Science and Natural Resources. 

Abstract from the thesis can be found here.

Earlier in the morning at 09:30 in Víðgelmir, Orkugarður, Grensásvegur 9, two MSc candidates who will defend their theses at the University of Iceland this spring, will give a short presentation about their projects. 

The Fellows are Charles Muturia Lichoro from Kenya and Luis Alonso Aguirre from El Salvador.  They are both on UNU-GTP Fellowships.  Each presentation will take a maximum of 30 minutes, and up to 15 minutes will be allowed for discussions after each presentation.

A programme of the seminar can be found here.

The PhD defence and Seminar are open to all.