UNU-GTP, Orkustofnun and the Reykjavík University sign a contract about MSc studies

17 May 2013
Representatives from UNU-GTP, Orkustofnun and Reykjavík University
Representatives from UNU-GTP, Orkustofnun and Reykjavík University

The contract gives outstanding Fellows who have finished the Six Month Training Programme at UNU-GTP, the opportunity to further their studies by enrolling in the MSc programme at RU.

The Six Month Training will account for 30 ECTS out of 120 in total in the MSc program at the School of Science and Engineering at RU.  The supervisors of the MSc students will either be teachers at RU or experts at ISOR or Orkustofnun.

The UNU-GTP will take care of the funding for former Six Month Fellows that want to pursue their MSc studies.  To start with, two funds will be granted per year.  These grants will fund living costs of the students as well as supervisor fees and general management costs.  The School of Science and Engineering will fund the tuition fees for three UNU-GTP students per year.