Ban Ki-moon meets with the UNU Iceland Programmes

11 October 2016
Ban Ki-moon with the UNU Programmes' directors
Ban Ki-moon with the UNU Programmes' directors

Mr Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, attended the Arctic Circle conference in Reykjavík last weekend and requested the opportunity to meet with the UNU Programmes in Iceland last Saturday.  This was the second time he visited the Programmes and met with their representatives and Fellows.  This time Hafdís Hanna Ægisdóttir, director of the UNU Land Restoration Programme presented the recent operations of Programmes in Iceland and abroad, and Charles Muturia, a PhD student at UI gave a short presentation about the UNU-GTP Fellows. 

It is a nice and encouraging gesture that the Secretary-General of the United Nations makes a special effort in meeting with the UNU Programmes in Iceland and shows such interest in the projects of the UNU Fellows.  We wish him all the best as he leaves his post later this year.