UNU-GTP Fellows thinking of the environment

25 August 2016
Zoltan Békés with Baldur Dýrfjörð at Norðurorka
Zoltan Békés with Baldur Dýrfjörð at Norðurorka

Zoltan Békés, a UNU Fellow from Hungary, collected cooking oil from his kitchen in his residential apartment in Reykjavík since his arrival for the Six Month Training in April this year.  Since the municipality of Reykjavík does not offer opportunities to recycle cooking oil, at this time, Zoltan carried his collected cooking oil with him on the annual Northern field trip to deliver it for recycling at the company Norðurorka in Akureyri where they happily received his eco-friendly contribution.  For his efforts to the environment, Norðurorka presented Zoltan with the Green funnel which is a filtering system for cooking oil.  In Akureyri, the leftover cooking oil is used as biodiesel or as an organic fertiliser. 

The UNU-GTP is proud of all the efforts our Fellows make for the environment and we encourage everyone to lead as an example and make an extra effort for good of our planet.