Three UNU-GTP MSc Fellows passed their defence examinations in mid May

8 June 2011
UNU-GTP MSc Fellows graduating in 2011. From left: Andi Joko Nugroho (Indonesia), Andemariam Teklese…
UNU-GTP MSc Fellows graduating in 2011. From left: Andi Joko Nugroho (Indonesia), Andemariam Teklesenbet (Eritrea), Endy Kevin Padilla Rivas (El Salvador), Alejandro Rodríguez Badilla (Costa Rica)
On May 12 and 13, three UNU-GTP MSc Fellows passed their defence examinations at the University of Iceland. Endy Kevin Padilla Rivas from El Salvador presented the project : „Transport and precipitation of carbon and sulphur in the Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland“, Andi Joko Nugroho from Indonesia presented the project:  „Optimization of Electrical Power Production from High Temperature Geothermal Fields with respect to Silica Scaling Problems“, and Alejandro Rodriguez Badilla from Costa Rica presented the project: "Water-rock interaction of silicic rocks".

Endy Kevin and Andi Joko will proceed to their home countries, where they will return to geothermal exploration and development with their previous employers LaGeo S.A. de C.V. and Pertamina Geothermal Energy, respectively. Alejandro will proceed to Utrecht, the Netherlands, where he will pursue his PhD degree in comparison of minerals on Mars with minerals found in volcanic lakes in Central and South America.