The 26th annual session

29 November 2004
The Closing Ceremony of the 26th annual session of the UNU-GTP was held on 22nd October 2004. Eighteen UNU Fellows from eight countries, who completed the traditional six month specialized courses, received their UNU Certificates. They came from China (4), Eritrea (2),  Ethiopia (2), Indonesia (3), Iran (2), Kenya (2), Mongolia (2), and Russia (1). They received specialized training in Environmental Studies (5), Geothermal Utilization (4), Reservoir Engineering (4), Chemistry of Thermal Fluids (3), and Geological Exploration (2). A total of 318 professionals from 39 countries have completed the six month specialized courses during 1979-2004. Of these, 44% have come from countries in Asia, 26% from Africa, 16% from Central and Eastern Europe, and 14% from Latin America.

Speeches were given by Dr. Ingvar B. Fridleifsson, Director of the UNU-GTP, Ambassador Sturla Sigurjónsson, Political Director and Head of the Political Department of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Sturla Sigurjonsson, and Mrs. Pacifica Achieng Ogola, environmental scientist from KenGen in Kenya (see photo below), who spoke on behalf of the UNU Fellows who were graduating. Dr. Thorkell Helgason, Director General of Orkustofnun (National Energy Authority) also addreesed the graduates as they received their UNU Certificates.


The graduation photo of the UNU Fellows of the 26th annual course of the UNU Geothermal Training Programme.
Back row from left:  George A. Chelnokov (Russia), Agus A. Zuhro (Indonesia), Xu Wei (China), Erdenesaikhan Ganbat (Mongolia), Moeljanto (Indonesia), Godwin M. Mwawongo (Kenya), Boldbaatar Burentsagaan (Mongolia), Saeid Jalili-Nasrabadi (Iran), Ermias Yohannes (Eritrea), Mulugeta Asaye (Ethiopia), Mohammed Omer (Eritrea), P. Hendrick H. Siregar (Indonesia), Li Junfeng (China), Luo Heng (China).
Front row from left: Hossein Yousefi Sahzabi (Iran), Gudrun Bjarnadottir, administrative assistant, Pacifica F. A. Ogola (Kenya), Ingvar Birgir Fridleifsson, director, Lei Haiyan (China), Ludvik S. Georgsson, deputy director,  Akalewold Seifu (Ethiopia).

Pacifica Achieng Ogola spoke on behalf of the 2004 graduation Fellows.