Short Course VI on Utilization of Low- and Medium-Enthalpy Geothermal Resourses and Financial Aspects of Utilization

3 April 2014
Participants and lecturers at the Short Course
Participants and lecturers at the Short Course

The annual short course in El Salvador held in support of the UN Millennium Development Goals was held on 23-29 March.  The topic of the course was “Utilization of Low- and Medium-Enthalpy Geothermal Resources and Financial Aspects of Utilization”. 

The first day was devoted to an overview of geothermal development in different sub-regions and countries within Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as to regional capacity building and cooperation.  The second and third days addressed medium-enthalpy electricity generation and low-enthalpy utilization.  One day was devoted to a field trip to the Berlin Binary Cycle Power Plant, and the remainder of the time was used to discuss financial and financing aspects of geothermal utilization. 

The short course was attended by 55 participants from 14 countries all over the Americas, including 5 Central American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua), 4 South American countries (Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru), 3 Caribbean nations (Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Montserrat), Mexico, and the United States.  Of these, 11 gave partial or full lectures.  In addition, 18 lecturers from El Salvador, Iceland, Kenya, and the World Bank contributed to the short course.  The Millennium Short Courses have been reaching a wider area every year, and this year saw the addition of Montserrat to the list of participating countries.  Papers written for this event in connection with the presented lectures were published on a CD in advance, which was distributed at the Short Course, and are also available at our website under Publications.