Short Course on Preparations of Bankable Geothermal Documents in Ethiopia

30 January 2015
Lecturers and organisers with the participants of the short course
Lecturers and organisers with the participants of the short course

The UNU-GTP is currently conducting a Short Course on Preparations of Bankable Geothermal Documents in Ethiopia for selected employees of the Geological Survey of Ethiopia (GSE), Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) and the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MWIE).  The short course is financed by the Icelandic International Development Agency and the Nordic Development Fund as part of the Geothermal Exploration Project in East Africa.  The course started on January 26 and will continue until February 3, covering the basics of preparations of documents required for the financing of geothermal projects.  The course is conducted in Addis Ababa and is attended by 25 participants from GSE, EEP and MWIE.  Lecturing is in the hands of Landsvirkjun Power with Bjarni Pálsson and Kristján B. Ólafsson, consultant.

The short course ties in with the establishment of a new specialized line of study in the 6 month training programme, to be run for the first time in 2015:  Project Management and Finances for Geothermal Projects.  The new discipline will be conducted in a similar manner to other traditional lines of study and will open up further opportunities to learn about project management, financial modeling and financing in the context of geothermal development.