Short Course II on Surface Exploration

14 December 2007
The 2007 Short Course for the East African countries was held in Kenya 2-17 November at Lake Bogoria Hotel and Lake Naivasha Simba Lodge. Its aim was to give an overview of methods used in surface exploration, to pass on knowledge of the status of surface geothermal exploration in East Africa and to further the geothermal co-operation between the East African countries.
Participants joined the course from 11 African countries (30 trainees and 25 lecturers/instructors, in total 55). The trainees were from Kenya 12, Ethiopia 1, Djibouti 1, Eritrea 2, Tanzania 2, Uganda 3, Algeria 1, Comoros 2, Egypt 1, Rwanda 3, and Yemen 2. The lecturers/instructors came from Kenya (KenGen) 16, Iceland (ISOR and UNU-GTP) 5, and one from each of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Uganda. All except two African lecturers/instructors are former UNU Fellows. The first week of the course was used for field work and site studies (sampling, measurements, geology, geochemistry and geophysics). This was very ably taken care of by KenGen staff. The Short Course was very well received both with regards to organization and contents. The presentaions and papers of the Short Course are being published on a CD and will is also available from our website. The East African Workshop (2005) and Short Courses (2006, 2007) have been co-hosted by the UNU-GTP and KenGen.

Short Course Agenda

Trainees and instructors at Short Course II on surface exploration, Kenya, 2007.