MSc thesis by Joshua Ochieng' Were

20 August 2007
Joshua Ochieng‘ Were, Environmental Scientist from the Kenya Electrical Generating Company, graduated in absentia in June, 2007 from the University of Iceland. He was awarded an MSc, in Environmental Science and Natural resource Management, with distinction.
Joshua defended his thesis in March 2007. The thesis was entitled “The Speciation of Trace Elements in Spent Geothermal Fluids and Implications for Environmental Health around Olkaria, Kenya”. Dr. Halldór Ármannsson of Iceland GeoSurvey (ISOR) and Prof. Stefán Arnórsson of the department of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland were supervisors on the project.

The MSc thesis has been published in March 2007 by the Faculty of Science, University of Iceland and is in press by the UNU-GTP. The thesis is also available online under Publications.

Joshua’s studies were financed by a fellowship from the government of Iceland through the UNU-GTP. The UNU_GTP congratulate Joshua on his achievements and we wish him all the best for the future.