MSc theses 2010 now available in print and for download

31 January 2011
MSc theses 2010 now available in print and for download
MSc theses by UNU Fellows Erlindo C. Ancoy Jr., Manuel A. Rivera Ayala, Hary Koestono, Yohannes Lemma Didana and Kiflom Gebrehiwot Mesfin, who graduated in 2010 are now available in print and for download on the UNU-GTP website. The reports are as follows:

Angcoy Jr., E.C., 2010: Geochemical modelling of the high-temperature Mahanagdong geothermal field, Leyete, Philippines. Report 1, 71 pp.

Rivera Ayala, M.A., 2010: Coupled geothermal reservoir-wellbore simulation with a case study for the Námafjall field, N-Iceland. Report 2, 66 pp.

Koestono, H., 2010: Lahendong geothermal field, Indonesia: Geothermal model based on wells LHD-23 and LHD-28. Report 3, 90 pp.

Lemma Didana, Y., 2010: Multidementional inversion of MT data from Krysuvik high-temperature geothermal field, SW-Iceland, and study of how 1D and 2D inversion can reproduce a given 2D/3D resistivity structure using synthetic MT data. Report 4, 94 pp.

Gebrehiwot Mesfin, K., 2010: Subsurface geology, hydrothermal alteration and geothermal model of northern Skardsmyrarfjall, Hellisheidi geothermal field. Report 5, 65 pp.