MSc defence by Uwera Rutagarama

28 March 2012
MSc defence by Uwera Rutagarama
UNU-GTP Fellow Uwera Rutagarama from Rwanda defended her thesis entitled “The role of well testing in geothermal resource assessment” on Tuesday the 27th of March.  The defence was held at the University of Iceland in Askja.  Supervisors on the project were Gylfi Páll Hersir at ISOR, Páll Jónsson at ISOR and Sigrún Hreinsdóttir at UI.  The external examiner was Grímur Björnsson at Reykjavík Geothermal. 

In her thesis, Uwera describes an approach and methodology for analysing well test data up to evaluating the resource potential. The Reykjanes geothermal field in SW Iceland is used as an example. Analyses of step-rate injection tests data, temperature and pressure profiles as well as discharge test analysis are presented. The formation temperature and initial reservoir pressure are estimated from the temperature and pressure profiles. The generating capacity and productivity of individual wells are evaluated and the injectivity and productivity indices are compared with results from other similar high temperature geothermal fields. Finally the volumetric method is applied to predict the electrical generation capacity of the Reykjanes geothermal system.