MSc defence by Tesha

14 May 2009
UNU-GTP MSc student Tesha, from Indonesia, defended his MSc thesis etitled "Absorption refrigeration system as an integrated condenser cooling unit in geothermal power plant", on Friday May 8, 2009. The defence was held in VR-II, at the University of Iceland. The supervisors on the MSc project were Páll Valdimarsson and Thrándur Sigurjón Ólafsson, and the external examiner at the defence was Halldór Pálsson.

Absorption refrigeration system as an integrated condenser cooling unit
in geothermal power plant


The main objective of the study is to see the possibilities of an integrated geothermal power plant and absorption refrigeration system (ARS) in order to increase power production capacity. Getting the condenser at a lower pressure is a reasonable way to increase power capacity, and this is the main approach that is brought by this study. But, sometimes any effort to build the desired condenser pressure has to be constrained by the temperature of cooling water. Here, the absorption refrigeration system takes it place by lowering the cooling water temperature from the cooling tower just before it enters the condenser.

The MSc thesis will be published by the University of Iceland, and by the UNU-GTP. The thesis will soon be available online at

Tesha´s studies were financed by a fellowship from the government of Iceland through the UNU-GTP.

Tesha while defending his project

Tesha and one of his supervisors, Páll Valdimarsson