MSc defence by Sun Caixia

27 May 2008
UNU-GTP MSc Fellow Sun Caixia, from China, defended her MSc thesis at the University of Iceland on Thursday May 29, 2008. The thesis was entitled "Feasibility study of geothermal utilization of Yangbajain field in Tibet Autonomous Region , P.R.China". Páll Valdimarsson was supervisor on the project.

The MSc thesis will be published by the University of Iceland, and by the UNU-GTP. The thesis will soon be available online at

Caixia’s studies were financed by a fellowship from the government of Iceland through the UNU-GTP.

Sun Caixia´s defence on May 29, 2008

Ingvar B. Fridleifsson, Páll Valdimarsson, Sun Caixia and Lúdvík S. Georgsson after the defence.
The group still looks a little shaken from the earthquake (6.3 on the Richter scale) that occured in Sellfoss during Caxia´s questioning round