MSc lecture by Shakiru Idrissa Kajugus

8 May 2015

Shakiru Idrissa Kajugus, M.Sc. Fellow in Geology at the University of Iceland will give a lecture on his MSc project on Monday 11 May, 2015 at 15:00 at University of Iceland, Askja building, room 132.

The title of the project is:

Geothermal Reservoir Evaluation Using Well Testing and Analytical Modelling - Case Example: Reykjanes Geothermal System, Iceland

Shakiru's supervisors are: 

Guðni Axelsson og Sæunn Halldórsdóttir at ISOR.

Everyone's welcome to attend.


The project involves the use of different types of geothermal well-tests, and their interpretation with simple model calculations, in the assessment of geothermal resources. Injection tests performed at the end of drilling, discharge tests after wells have heated up and tracer tests during reinjection studies are discussed. Predictions of pressure changes due to production, calculated by lumped parameter reservoir models, are also discussed. Data from the Reykjanes geothermal system are taken as case examples and the main conclusion is that reinjection needs to be about 50% of the production to avoid further pressure decline and that the reinjection may be controlled so that cooling of production wells will be manageable.