MSc defence by Saeid Jalili Nasrabadi

26 June 2008
UNU-GTP MSc Fellow Saeid Jalili Nasrabadi, from Iran, defended his MSc thesis at the University of Iceland on Friday June 20, 2008. The thesis was entitled "Open Heat Excheanger for Improved Energy Efficiency in the Heating of Hot Spas". Gudrún Sævarsdóttir and Halldór Pálsson were supervisors on the project. The external examiner was Páll Valdimarsson.

The MSc thesis will be published by the University of Iceland, and by the UNU-GTP. The thesis will soon be available online at

Saeid's studies were financed by a fellowship from the government of Iceland through the UNU-GTP.

Saeid explaining heat transfer trough the heating plate.

Saeid and supervisor Gudrún during questioning.

Group picture from Saeid's defence.
From left: Gudrún Sævarsdóttir, Páll Valdimarsson, Saeid Jalili Nasrabadi, Ingvar B. Fridleifsson, Lúdvík S. Georgsson and Halldór Pálsson