MSc defence by Mulugeta Asaye Adale

26 May 2009
UNU-GTP MSc student Mulugeta Asaye Adale, from Ethiopia, was defending his MSc thesis etitled "Evaluation of Maintenance Management through Benchmarking in Geothermal Power Plants", Thursday May 28, 2009. The defence was held at the University of Iceland. The supervisor on the MSc project was Magnús Thór Jónsson, and the external examiner was Geir Thorolfsson form Sudurnes Regional Heating Corporation.



In today’s competitive energy market many power plants are increasing their competitiveness by adopting new operating and maintenance philosophies to reduce their Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs. Comparing performance among geothermal plants is difficult, as each powerplant works within a unique context of resourse, physical plant settings, and organizational goals. However, benchmarking provide indicators that allow us to examine individual circumstances and performances within groups of similarly-sized powerplants. As geothermal power plants are a base- load stations, become more conscious of the role of maintenance management to improve equipment reliability and plant availability. In recent practice, power plants have started using benchmarking to identify the best practices for inhancing their maintenance managment. This research involved using of benchmarking for maintenance managment of geothermal power palnts and develop a comprehensive model which can help to compare the maintenance performance. The model help to search optimum methods for maintenance management practices in order to improve the overall effectiveness of the operation and maintenance. Appropraitly by adopting the best practices, benchmarking could help geothermal plants to become more cost-effective in maintenance.

Mulugeta in the middle of his defence

Mulugeta and Pall Valdimarsson toasting after Ingvar´s speech congratulating Mulugata on behalf of the UNU-GTP

Mulugeta among supervisors and friends

The MSc thesis will be published by the University of Iceland, and by the UNU-GTP. The thesis will soon be available online at

Mulugeta´s studies were financed by a fellowship from the government of Iceland through the UNU-GTP.