Annual Visiting Lecturer at the UNU-GTP 2014

13 August 2014

The visiting lecturer of UNU-GTP 2014 is the reservoir engineer Dr. Malcolm Grant from New Zealand.

Dr. Grant holds a doctoral degree in applied mathematics from MIT and has been involved in various research and management projects and has worked as a private consultant since 1994. He has been involved in assessment and development of 76 geothermal fields in 14 countries.

Dr. Grant is among the most prestigious scientists in the field of geothermal reservoir engineering and has published many papers in that field. He is the senior author of the widely used textbook Geothermal Reservoir Engineering.

Dr. Grant will give lectures in Víðgelmir, Orkugarður, Grensásvegur 9, on August 25-29th beginning at 9:00. Each lecture will take approximately one hour plus discussion afterwards.

The lecture program is the following:  

 Monday August 25 9:00-10:15      Interpretation of downhole measurements
 Tuesday August 26  9:00-10:15      Interpretation of spinner results
 Wednesday August 27  9:00-10:15      Measuring reservoir permeability
 Thursday August 28  9:00-10:15      Conceptual models of geothermal fields
 Friday August 29  9:00-10:15      Reservoir modelling
   10:30-11:45      Case History for Kawerau, New Zealand


The lectures are open to everyone and free of charge