Annual visiting lecturer at the UNU-GTP

21 August 2007
This year, the annual UNU Visiting Lecturer is Antonio Rodriguez, General Manager of LaGeo S.A. de C.V., San Salvador, El Salvador. LaGeo is responsible for the development and exploitation of geothermoelectric projects in the country, and commercialization of energy produced. LaGeo currently contributes 27% of the electricity in El Salvador through geothermal sources, making it the second largest energy producer in the country. Twenty five geoscientists and engineers from El Salvador have graduated from the UNU-GTP. Most of them are employees of LaGeo.

Antonio Rodriguez obtained his BA in physics at Cornell University (in Ithaca, USA) in 1984, and his MSc in geophysics at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) in 1986. He worked as geophysicist in Canada until 1992 when he returned to El Salvador. He worked at the office of the Presidency of El Salvador 1992-1994. He joined the Comisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctrica del Río Lempa (CEL) in San Salvador as Geothermal Resources Manager in 1995, was appointed General Manager of the Geothermal Division of CEL in 1998, and was appointed General Manager of LaGeo in 1999 when geothermal energy was separated from CEL.

The lectures will be held in Vidgelmir (the main lecture room) at Orkustofnun and will start at 09:15. Each lecture will take approximately 1 hour.


Monday August 27: Geothermal development in Central America.
Tuesday August 28: Phased development in the Ahuachapan and Berlin geothermal fields.
Wednesday August 29: Geothermal, the environment, and neighbouring communities.
Thursday August 30: Corporate culture and human resource management in LaGeo.
Friday August 31: Economics and financing of geothermal projects in Central America.