A new study line on Project Management and Finances

27 March 2015

The UNU-GTP has decided to offer a new study line in the six month programme with emphasis on project management and finances of geothermal projects.  The basic structure is the same as for other study lines: the studies start out with 5 weeks on general aspects of geothermal exploration, development, utilization and management, followed by 7 weeks of specialization and 12 weeks of individual project work.  Group project work is interlaced in the programme and 2 weeks are used for class field trips and excursions in Iceland.  Two thirds of the specialized period will be devoted to project management and one third to financial and finance aspects of geothermal projects.  The subjects will be covered from both an academic and practical perspective. 

The competence baseline of the International Project Management Association forms the background of the project management part of the studies, with practical considerations regarding geothermal projects addressed in between.  The financial and financing part covers financial modelling, financing and preparations of bankable documents for geothermal projects.

The new study line builds on two short courses developed in the last half a year.  The Short Course on Geothermal Project Management was developed by Verkís Consulting Engineers, with support from Reykjavík University (RU) and was run for the first time in Ethiopia in February.  The Short Course on Preparations of Bankable Documents for Geothermal Projects was developed by Landsvirkjun (National Power Company of Iceland) in cooperation with Mr. Kristján Ólafsson, economist, and was run for the first time in Ethiopia in late January / early February.  Prof. Helgi Thór Ingason of RU has agreed to head the new study line and will take a seat on the Study Board of the UNU-GTP.  Besides general supervision, Prof. Helgi will lecture on contextual aspects of project management.  Others involved in the development of the new line are: Prof. Haukur Ingi Jónasson at RU (behavioral aspects of project mangement), Mr. Yngvi Gudmundsson and Mrs. Carine Chatenay, engineers at Verkís (technical / practical aspects of project management), Prof. Páll Jensson at RU (financial modelling), Mr. Gunnar Tryggvason, engineer and expert at KPMG (financing), and Dr. Bjarni Pálsson, manager of power projects department at Landsvirkjun (preparations of bankable documents).

The study line will be run for the first time in 2015, with Fellows enrolled from Ethiopia and Kenya.