
15 May 2024

MSc defence by Daniel Wanga Odongo

on Thursday 6th of June at 13:00 at Reykjavík University
15 May 2024

GRÓ GEST Final Seminar 2024

The 2024 GRÓ GEST cohort will present their final assignments in a full day seminar on 16 May.
15 May 2024

Thesis seminar of MSc and PhD Fellows

on Tuesday 21 May from 13:00-15:30 at GTP office
14 May 2024

Útskrift Sjávarútvegsskóla GRÓ miðvikudaginn 15. maí

Útskrift 25. árgangs nemenda Sjávarútvegsskóla GRÓ fer fram miðvikudaginn 15. maí. Athöfnin fer fram í hátíðarsal Hafrannsóknastofnunar, Fornubúðum 5 Hafnarfirði og hefst kl. 15:10. Strax að henni lokinni munu útskriftarnemendur kynna verkefni sín á sérstakri veggspjaldasýningu.
14 May 2024

MSc defence by Fred Ssemuyaba

on Thursday 16th of May at 14:15-14:27 at UI, Askja building, room 131. 
13 May 2024

Graduation Wednesday 15th of May

A graduation ceremony for GRÓ Fisheries Training Programme’s 25th cohort of fellows will be held Wednesday 15th of May. The ceremony will take place at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Fornubúðum 5 Hafnarfirði and start at 15:10. Concurrently, a poster exhibition of the final projects of the graduating fellows will be on display at the same location.